By HeartAG123
I was going onto Animal Jam to get the RIM of today. I entered in my username and password and logged on to Jamaa. Someone asked me to have them be my buddy, so I went to the settings page and unlocked buddy requests. But when I looked up, it said, '0 DAYS REMAINING' for my membership. But I got a new gift card for 3 months about 2 weeks ago. I refreshed the page. Still, 0 days remaining. I was confused, and I had no idea what was going on. I went to the settings page again and looked at the world. "Deadinyou". What kind of world is Deadinyou!? I called AJHQ. They told me to refresh the page and wait 10 minutes. I did that. I typed in the URL to Animal Jam as my computer turned black and showed a alpha on the page. What the heck?!
The screen showed a picture of Liza. I squinted my eyes and looked closely. Liza was crying, but turned around to show her scars and bruises all over her. I had no idea what was going on. I called AJHQ once again and they said the same thing. "No, you don't understand!" I told them, pleading. "Liza is crying on my screen with scars and bruises and the world of Animal Jam seems depressing and ruined." I told them. They hanged up, thinking this was a prank. I called my computer department to ask them to fix my computer, but they hanged up, too. I looked at Liza to see her horrible scars as she hissed at the screen and made me faint.
this is creepy